Where's Linda?
October was a busy month.
We visited a gallery in Grayling Michigan and although I have had a few small items for sale there for 7+ years, I had never met the owner. So on one of our journeys to upper Michigan late September, we took a run to Grayling and met Kim Demint, owner of Main Branch Gallery.
We had been trying since May to make a connection but location, circumstances and time just never jived for either of us. We were so happy we finally did! It gave me a chance to get the feel for the gallery and who and what was included in their collection of art.
I was blown away by the gallery! And so honored to be showing amongst a group of internationally known artists. I just didn't know it until now.
Predominately paintings and prints, Kim, a very accomplished and recognized artist maintains a small but full shop that caters to the nature and art lovers who frequent the area 3/4 of the year. Grayling, literally in the center of the upper part of the mitten, is the coldest spot in Michigan in the winter, so most things shut down until the tourists are back in early spring. Even the Army training base there is a little slow in the winter (though my grandson was there in the snow in October a year ago).
I took along a case full of all of my jewelry work and opened it for Kim to choose from. You could have knocked me over as she pulled item after item that is some of my best art collector style work along with small groups of nature designs that are typically not shown at the local fairs and festivals. I was ecstatic!
It took a month of preparing everything, inventory, creating a few new pieces for her specialized clientele and time for her to check in and arrange it all for display. Finally this week I got an email with a photo of it in the case!
If you have a chance to be in Upper Michigan it is well worth a trip to the town of Grayling. Besides Kims gallery there are cute shops, lots of seasonal activities, an interesting historical center, the well known State Park, Hartwick Pines showcasing the history of the logging industry in the area, a museum and FOOD! All walkable in the downtown area.
Be sure to visit the Main Branch Gallery when you are there and tell Kim that Linda sent you!
PS. We have already made plans for a new collection of Art Jewelry to be introduced in the spring when the gallery reopens from their winter sleep! I'll be telling you more about that when I open my new website over the winter.