How to make a major change, not.

- Don't follow my mistakes.
- Enlist as much help as possible (that you can afford)
- Decide where you are going first!
1. Its' been a bumpy path to making a change in the business. I'm foremost an artist, but even though I have a lot of background in accounting and selling and online business, this change I've planned has NOT been an easy task!
The mountain of factors to making a change in your life/livelihood today is pretty hard to overcome even with experience, but for anyone else wanting to redirect their life focus, it can be pretty daunting. Some days the stress is immobilizing.
I just read a story in one of my groups of a woman probably close to my age trying to get an art business up and running. But she felt defeated after a friend or two told her she couldn't charge a high price for her painting and her techy son saying it wasn't worth it to build a website for her online sales, I could just see her face as the defeat set in. Now I don't know that person at all, but I feel for her.
Even though I have had a website for many years and have built a pretty solid business, the changes to every single piece of tech that is needed really stalls out progress. When a 15 minute job becomes a 10 hour delay to fix it is hard not to give up.
2. So finding a few good people to help is like hunting for that bug in a blizzard. First you see it then you don't.
The year has been full of trials and errors in getting not just help, but the RIGHT help to give direction and solve some issues to advancing. Just like that woman above, I've heard some pretty negative talk coming not just from others, but from myself.
Along the way though I have found one really great resource for helping me navigate some of the processes that have and still are changing seemingly in the blink of an eye. And what a cluster of them has formed in the last month that I must deal with! Too many to count. There are way too many 'coaches' offering their 'plans' $$ to helping you learn their secrets. And I have to admit I've been their easy prey. So finding that knowledgeable and really nice advisor that has a really good program along with a new Christian friend has shown me a light at the end of the tunnel.
3. The reality is that you don't always know where you are going until you start moving in that direction. I could see some of the end result in the distance, but even though I thought I knew where I was going, it wasn't really clear how to get there. It still isn't in some ways.
Tech is always going to be a thorn in my side. And we must say no to a lot of it today as it is not healthy or wise to accept it all. But choosing a provider for a service makes all the difference if you put SUPPORT at the top of the list.
HERE'S THE GIST OF IT…..NatureScapes Studio is going to continue to work with artists and non artists who want to be and live an artfully creative life.
WE are ending the making and selling tools portion of the business to put an emphasis on creating more inspiring art.
Within that structure I will be writing and helping everyone learn how to incorporate it into their lives too.
You are gonna see some new branding and some a shift in the focus of our work. There will be new products but more importantly for our current friends, an expansion in the trainings tutorials that I have been working on for many years.
Because I want you to find YOUR creative self too.
With all of the stuff pulling us off our track today, I hope you will stick with me and follow along for what is coming!