Do you need some IRISH luck?

Do you need some IRISH luck?

Several polymer Clay shamrocks  shown in different colors made from a DIY easy to follow tutorial available for St Pats Day on Etsy.


Anyone who knows Irish history knows that it hasn't always been lucky. Yet there is always a reason to celebrate! Being on an island hasn't isolated them from the world's woes. 

My ancestry includes some Irish blood - and more than a few shamrocks! Anyone familiar with Irish history knows it hasn't always been lucky. BUT there is always a reason to celebtrate! So wearing a bit'o the green 🍀 on St Pats Day is tradition for us! 

In recognition of that I designed an easy fun shamrock and decided to make it into a tutorial for everyone to use and make some of their OWN luck! 
Available as a pdf download in the NatureScapesStudio1 etsy shop there is plenty of time to get one and make a whole field of GREEN LUCKY SHAMROCKS! (OR any color you like!)

I have some of the tools available there that I used to make these lovely and VERY UNIQUE shamrocks. PLUS we have 13 colors of silk neck cords to hang them on if a pin isn't  your thing.  Being creative in your colors and sizes can open up a whole range of options for you even if you aren't an artist. 
Close up view of 2mm thick green and blue silk cord by Linda Stiles Smith of NatureScapes Studio.
Tutorial only available in our Etsy Shop - NatureScapesStudio1.
Silk Cords avaible here and in the Etsy Shop for one stop shopping!
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