Do you need some IRISH luck?

Anyone who knows Irish history knows that it hasn't always been lucky. Yet there is always a reason to celebrate! Being on an island hasn't isolated them from the world's woes.
My ancestry includes some Irish blood - and more than a few shamrocks! Anyone familiar with Irish history knows it hasn't always been lucky. BUT there is always a reason to celebtrate! So wearing a bit'o the green 🍀 on St Pats Day is tradition for us!
In recognition of that I designed an easy fun shamrock and decided to make it into a tutorial for everyone to use and make some of their OWN luck!
Available as a pdf download in the NatureScapesStudio1 etsy shop there is plenty of time to get one and make a whole field of GREEN LUCKY SHAMROCKS! (OR any color you like!)
I have some of the tools available there that I used to make these lovely and VERY UNIQUE shamrocks. PLUS we have 13 colors of silk neck cords to hang them on if a pin isn't your thing. Being creative in your colors and sizes can open up a whole range of options for you even if you aren't an artist.

Tutorial only available in our Etsy Shop - NatureScapesStudio1.
Silk Cords avaible here and in the Etsy Shop for one stop shopping!